People of all genders, and organizations of all stripes, are increasingly inspired and committed to end gender based violence (GBV). White Ribbon and the nine Community of Practice Partners are thrilled to share violence prevention programmatic case studies, key results, lessons learned, tools and activities which you can employ in your communities, organizations or even in your own life. The toolkit provides an online forum to showcase innovations, activities and models which engage men and boys in diverse contexts to promote gender equality, healthy masculinities and equitable non-violent relationships.
Women’s organizations in Canada and globally continue to pave the way for tangible change in promoting women and girls’ full human rights, including the right to live free of all forms of violence. This toolkit is part of the growing support from organizations, individuals and groups of male allies which are showing solidarity to anti-violence and gender equality in Canada and beyond.
White Ribbon conducted an Ontario-wide survey on men’s attitudes and behaviours towards violence against women in May, 2012 indicating that 94% believe violence against women and girls is a concern to them, and 97% agree that “men can personally make a difference in promoting healthy, respectful, non-violent relationships.” A similar survey was conducted in Alberta in 2011 and 2016 indicating similar results of 95% of men feel that violence against women and girls is a concern to them, and 99% agree that “men can personally make a difference in promoting healthy respectful, non-violent relationships.”
These numbers are promising given the stark reality that violence against women and girls continues to be rampant in Canada and around the world.